How to Get Rid of Crawfish Mounds in the Yard?

How to Get Rid of Crawfish Mounds in Yard

Crawfish, also known as crayfish, are a seasonal problem in many regions worldwide.

They are not insects but freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters.

They usually make burrows in yards when it’s rainy, which can not only be unappealing to look at but also could damage mowing equipment.

Crawfish aren’t dangerous, generally speaking, and they don’t bother other parts of the lawn, but their burrows are annoying at best, and many people just want them to be gone.

Crawfish that burrow will feed on whatever they can scavenge in the yard, but they won’t permanently damage any turf-grass roots.

The biggest complaint is the mounts that they leave in the yard, and while they don’t tend to be as plentiful as molehills, they can pose hazards for mowing and walking.

Getting rid of crawfish isn’t a simple process; it ultimately begins with re-sculpting the yard.

Below, you will find some tips to help remove crawfish from your yard.

Getting Crawfish Out of Their Hole

Crawfish dig little holes and leave behind mounds of mud.

Also known as burrowing crawfish, they are easily capable of digging holes as deep as five feet to get access to the water table below.

The worst, armadillos, raccoons, and other animals can contribute to the damage to the yard when they try to feed on the crawfish.

Due to the depth of the holes as well as their nocturnal patterns, getting crawfish to leave their holes in low-lying areas can be expensive and time-consuming.

Even so, with patience, it can be done. Just follow the below steps:

Step 1 – Put out a crawfish trap by putting some meat inside and near the holes.

Step 2 – Anchor the trap down with soil staples or something similar to ensure animals don’t drag it away.

Step 3 – Leave the trap in place overnight. Crawfish will only come out at night to the bait – only to eat and then mate.

Step 4 – Look at the trap in the morning to check if the crawfish have come out to eat and have been trapped.  

Step 5 – You will usually see one or two waiting there. Carefully remove these crawfish while wearing gloves.

If you choose to release them, do so somewhere that is far away from where you live, so they don’t come crawling back right away.

How to Get Rid of Crayfish Holes in Yard

Getting Rid of the Crayfish in Your Yard

Crawfish often like low-lying areas of the yard and spots that experience a lot of collected runoff.

So, it’s worth mentioning again that landscaping the area is a good first step, ensuring that there are no boggy places for crawfish to dig their little burrows.

You could also install stone or solid wood fences that are snug to the ground to stop them from getting in, but this can be pricey.

You can fix the mounds easily by knocking them over and raking out the dirt, but that still leaves the crawfish in the holes to deal with.

If your property has a low-lying, moist area or a stream close by, the crawfish likely are going to keep coming back.

They make their little burrows and create other tunnels to get to the stream where they like to mate and breed.

You’ll also see crawfish during rainy periods sitting on top of the soil.

Unfortunately, there are no fumigants, pesticides, or toxicants that are safe for use on crustaceans, and any poison will contaminate the water nearby.

The only real option is, therefore, to trap them.

Traps are nontoxic and humane, as you won’t have to worry about poison hurting nearby animals, plants, or water.

What Bait to Use to Catch Crawfish?

To trap crawfish, you’ll need bait such as slightly off meat or even wet cat food.

The smellier the meat, the better for crawfish.

A bonus is that once you get the crawfish out of the yard, you can use them for fishing bate or just relocate them to a wild location.

What’s the Difference Between Crayfish and Crawfish?

Crawdads, crayfish, and crawfish are all the same.

The term just differs from place to place; those in the northern USA are likely to say crayfish, while those in Louisiana usually say crawfish.

You’ll hear “mud fish” in the Mississippi Delta and “yabby” or “koura” in Australia.

No matter what you call them, they can be quite annoying when they choose to make your yard their home.

The Conclusion

If terrestrial crawfish live in your yard, chances are you want to remove them at any cost.

This is especially true when they are present in large numbers or pose any sort of risk to your person or your equipment.

Professional landscapers and homeowners often have a complex problem to face when trying to get rid of crawfish.

But you can get rid of them by laying a trap as outlined above and then either use them as fishing bait or release them in the wild.

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