Found across the European continent, North Africa, and western Asia, the jackdaw is a passerine bird part of the crow family.
Although many are residential birds, meaning they stay in the same area year-round, some do migrate south for the winter.
Jackdaws can be aggressive, especially with other birds.
I have often seen them fighting with each other & screaming on the roof.
What follows are 11 things that you would love to know about the remarkable jackdaw.
I think you will surely love reading them…
Are Jackdaws Considered Pests?
For farmers, the answer is yes. One flock of jackdaws is enough to decimate crops.
Their hunger is such that different types of crops are vulnerable.
In addition to the threat to garden plants/crops, jackdaws can be very noisy, especially when a flock of jackdaws (called ‘clattering’ or ‘train’) is present on your property.
Also, like many in the crow family, jackdaws have a peculiar fascination with shiny objects.
This means they tend to claw and scratch the wing mirrors on vehicles.
Do Jackdaws Like People?
Yes, jackdaws have a particular empathy for people.
The exact reason is not known, but it may have to do with the eye contact that people make with jackdaws.
And while jackdaws are not tame, those that find a nest of fledglings that are abandoned may take the place of their mother if they can feed them.
But even jackdaws that are not raised by humans tend to be friendly or at least non-threatening.
After all, you are not a source of food, so they tend to treat humans with respect even if the same is not true about the crops raised by humans.

Are Jackdaws Intelligent?
Jackdaws are one of the very few species that can be considered highly intelligent.
It may seem counter-intuitive considering that the term “bird brain” is used to denote stupidity.
But the truth is that jackdaws can learn new tricks, figure out how to open many bird feeders, and display other examples of cognitive thinking where they must figure out puzzles.
Another interesting sign of intelligence is that jackdaws can identify individual humans.
It is not known just how they do it, but it may have something to do with their ability to recognize distinct shapes and features that are refined enough for them to recognize faces.
What is the Diet of a Jackdaw?
Jackdaws have a wide range of food sources, although they are mostly fruit, seeds, and small invertebrates.
But what has given jackdaws an edge in survival during a famine is that they will eat carrion.
Plus, they have no problem consuming the eggs laid by other species of birds.
The exact diet of a specific jackdaw will simply depend on the food sources near where they roost.
It’s common for jackdaws around farms to eat insects, while those roost in urban areas might find fruit or seeds to consume.
But it is their ability to consume carrion that gives them an edge in survival over many other species of birds.
What do Jackdaw Nests Look Like?
Jackdaws do not build nests out on tree limbs like many other birds.
Instead, they find holes or cavities such as chimneys, holes in trees, and the like to lay their eggs.
They will build a nest inside the cavity, starting with an outer layer of twigs followed by an inner layer of hair or wool to protect the eggs.
Most jackdaws have four to five eggs but hatch at different times. This gives the last one to hatch only a small chance at survival.
The eggs themselves are blue-green or pale blue in coloring while having dark speckles.
If you want jackdaws in your yard, a tawny owl box should provide a good home.

Will Jackdaws Mate for Life?
Yes. They will form a strong bond with their mate, which will last for the rest of their lives.
Even if no eggs are produced for years at a time, they tend to stay with the same mate.
This may be due to the dedication required to raise their young.
Only when one bird passes away does the other search for another mate.
What Do Jackdaws Symbolize?
Jackdaws can be a mixture of good and bad depending on the culture.
While many believe that a single jackdaw on the roof of a building can be a sign of misfortune or an omen of death, others believe that it can be a symbol of a new arrival.
A group of jackdaws is sometimes represented as a good sign, and one seen on a cathedral tower is said to bring rain.
How are Jackdaws Different than Crows?
Although they are members of the crow family, they represent the smallest number of these birds.
Like crows, jackdaws are found in rural, suburban, and urban areas thanks to their remarkable adapting skills.
You can tell a jackdaw from other crow family members thanks to their pale white iris and nape, which is light grey and stands out from the black feathers.
Also, they have almost white eyes, which makes them look very unusual from their close relatives (rooks and crows).
Another big difference is the size. Jackdaws are significantly smaller compared to carrion crows.
But perhaps the most noticeable difference is that carrion crows prefer to live alone or in pairs.
While jackdaws tend to live in larger groups.
Are Jackdaws Solitary, or do They Live in Groups?
Jackdaws live in groups. If there is an ample source of food, they will live together in large colonies.
Their numbers protect predators, but it is primarily due to the available food sources.
Jackdaws will also group with other birds such as carrion crows and rooks.
Finding a source of food will often cause a jackdaw to bring in others to the feast.
During winter nights, jackdaws are seen to roost together because it keeps them warm.
Do Jackdaws Show Visible Signs of Aging?
Feathers do not turn gray like the hair of mammals which is a definite sign of aging.
However, there is a similar effect on jackdaws because the older they get, the more the structure of their feathers will change.
The result is that light will reflect differently and not be as black.
Jackdaws are unusual because they will show more signs of aging because of their black plumage.
That makes it easier to spot the changes. It’s not nearly as apparent in other birds with lighter colors.
Can I Kill Jackdaws in the US or UK?
Permits to trap or destroy jackdaws are only given to those who have livestock, crops, and wild birds preyed upon by the jackdaws.
There are also permits given to kill or trap jackdaws if they present a danger to public health, but any action may be limited to government officials.
Hopefully, now you know more about the remarkable jackdaw.
If you find them roosting on your roof or in chimneys, pay a little attention to what they are after.
Consider the good and bad before you hit them or want to get rid of them.
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